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Volunteer Application Volunteer Manual

This application has been designed to help you and Second Chance Dog Rescue decide if this kind of volunteer work is right for you and our dogs. Our primary goal is to provide the best possible care for all of our dogs, and we want volunteers who embrace that ideal.

Outside of our office staff, we are all volunteers with “day jobs,” committed to finding forever homes for rescue dogs.  Our mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home dogs.  We do not have a shelter or facility—all of our rescue dogs are in private homes.

Volunteers must attend a volunteer orientation, which is usually are on a Saturday.  Please complete the volunteer application form and someone will get back to you shortly.

You can play a role in our operation to help change the lives of many animals in need!

Ways You Can Help

  • Transportation (to and from adoption events, shelters, veterinarians, etc.)
  • Community and education
  • Marketing and social media
  • Technological support
  • Photography
  • Adoption event volunteers (set-up, monitoring of dogs, assist in adoptions, etc.)

Reasons to Volunteer with Second Chance Dog Rescue

  • Meet and share a passion for animals with a like-minded community of dog lovers
  • Gain the satisfaction of saving/changing a dog’s life
  • Support the goals and mission of Second Chance Dog Rescue
  • Fulfill community service requirements and gain academic recognition
  • Try out a new career/interest
  • Learn something new and expand  skill set

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